Get To Know Your Moles

Most melanomas in the skin can be seen by the naked eye. With this observation, one can find and cure skin cancer before it spreads. A skin exam is the best way to screen for skin cancer. You can check your skin every month to find any changes that should be reported to your doctor. It’s easy and takes about five minutes. Start by standing in front of a mirror to look for any moles on your body.

Examine each mole to tell if:

  • Each mole is symmetric. That means its equal in proportion on both sides
  • The border on each mole is well defined and clear.
  • The mole is one color. Any change in color is a sign to get the mole checked. Check each mole monthly for any changes. If you have a partner, consider screening the one you love. When couples check for moles with one another, they are more likely to maintain a routine.

 "It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark."   Howard Ruff