Less Than Jolly

Why is it that depression is common during holiday periods and especially at Christmas time? Down in the dumps, holiday blues, you name it, people feel it. This festive season can force people to face that life isn’t always as joyful as we would like. Single people can feel very isolated, and those with lots of family and friends gathering can still get in squabbles with stress and anxiety. Many people are still grieving loved ones and the holidays can be a reminder of their loss. Financial concerns increase and feelings of inadequacy abound. There are ways to keep holiday depression at bay.

Keep gift giving within the boundaries of what you can afford. Avoid foods such as sugars and carbs that make depression worse. Put old issues aside when dealing with family, or if possible, limit the time spent with those who just can’t get along. Moods can be contagious. Try to engage with people who really enjoy the season. Ask people about themselves to take thoughts away from you. If none of that works, remember, the holidays don’t last forever!

"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself."   Maya Angelou