COLD AND FLU Fighting Foods

The old saying, starve a fever, feed a cold, may be seared into many of our brains. Before you gorge on junk food this cold season, let’s see if there is any truth to this folklore. Our body’s immune system has to fight cold and flu viruses to get better. Doctors do think that eating can help your body to combat viruses and even help you feel a little better.

Don’t use this as an excuse to stuff a cold with comfort foods. Experts say it’s best to fuel the body with a healthy, nutrient rich diet to build your immune system and fight inflammation with:

  • Fruits and vegetables (apples, cranberries, bananas, tomato sauce)
  • Protein (oatmeal, chicken, fish, turkey)
  • Lots of water Decaffeinated juices and teas (orange or cranberry juice and green tea)

As you probably guessed, chicken soup is a great example of a healing food when you’re sick.

"Adam and Eve ate the first vitamins, including the package."   E.R. Squibb