Food Not Love

Do you snack when you are bored or restless? Are your food choices based on what kind of mood you are in or your level of hunger? Is eating your favorite or most common way to celebrate? If you are answering yes to two or more these questions, you’re likely an emotional eater.

Filling up on sugary and fatty foods can make you feel better in the short term, but in the long-term only makes you feel worse. It’s not easy to learn new ways to cope with the emotions that cause you to head to the fridge, but it can be done. Learn to identify which emotions cause you to comfort yourself with food and learn to replace them with healthier behaviors when those feelings strike. Explore new ways to relax. When under stress your body actually creates a hormone that makes the body crave sweet and salty foods!

A few quick and easy stress relievers:  

  • Take your vitamins in the morning.
  • Listen to music during your commute, while working, cleaning, or preparing meals.
  • Practice breathing exercises. Deep breathing oxygenates the blood, relaxes your muscles, and quiets the mind.
  • Visualization. Imagine yourself achieving goals.
  • Exercise. It’s an outlet for frustration and a diversion from stress.
  • Call a friend.
  • Talking it out is a healthy way to work through your stress.

"If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution."   Author Unknown