Take A Moment To Breathe

How long does it take a person to "bounce back" from a stressful event or situation? Just as a balloon needs helium to fly, people have a reservoir of energy that needs to be replenished. Changes and misfortunes are expected in life, but big changes or multiple traumatic events deflate us too fast. This lack of reserves is what we sometimes call burn-out. Resilience is the ability to adapt to change and better cope with all kinds of stress, like work, illness, and other daily life mishaps. Keeping your resiliency resources up is easier than you may think. Simply spending time doing things that you enjoy is good for your emotional reserves.

Examples are:

  • Watching sports with a friend
  • Reading a good book or magazine
  • Soaking in a hot bath
  • Spending time on a hobby

These are activities that give you a lift because they are fun or give you a sense of accomplishment. Whomever coined the phrase, "stop and smell the roses" may not have realized that this gentle reminder to take a few minutes for yourself each day, is the key to resiliency. However, this proverb may have originated from the experience of a wise person who learned to enjoy the pleasures of life.

"A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour."   Author Unknown