Temptations are as old as the Garden of Eden. Whether you need to resist that cookie, buy something, smoke a cigarette, take that drink or go astray in your relationship, it is willpower that is critical to help you meet long-term goals. It’s hard to resist temptation. We relentlessly pursue things and experiences that we think will make us feel good, but it’s usually a very short moment until we go back to feeling the same as before or worse, then the cycle starts again. We know from research that when people delay their gratification, they achieve greater success, health and there are lower divorce rates. So how does one strengthen their willpower?

  1. Practice self-control, but don’t overdo it or you’ll deplete your determination. Avoid places and situations that tax your willpower.
  2. Realize that it’s the desire itself that is pleasurable and that wanting something actually feels better than having it. Indulge yourself in the feeling and emotions of wanting and then understand as soon as you give in to the temptation, the pleasure will be gone.
  3. Use your imagination to distract yourself and think about something else. Every time you think about wanting that new car, redirect your thinking.
  4. Stay out of temptation’s way. If you can, plan ahead. Decide what you will order before arriving at the restaurant.

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."    J.K. Rowling