Eat For Eyesight

Improving your diet isn’t just for overall fitness, there is now growing evidence that a healthy diet may also help your eyesight. Fresh fruits and dark green, leafy vegetables - rich in vitamins C and E, may play a role in keeping your eyes healthy. The most colorful veggies and fruits you can find such as red, dark green, orange or yellow, contain the most antioxidants, which protect your eyes from agents that can cause age-related diseases.

Foods good for your eyes include:

Carrots, corn, kiwi, pumpkin, squash (yellow, zucchini & butternut), peas, cucumber, bell pepper, cantaloupe, tomato, spinach, kale, turnips, collard greens.

Other foods that slow the progression of vision loss are fatty fish (salmon, tuna or mackerel) and nuts. Fish and nuts with their Omega-3 fatty acids, two or three times a week, can benefit your eyes.

High fat, high cholesterol foods can lead to fatty deposits which could increase the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts that are common age-related eye diseases.

Your eyes and your vision are just another reason to skip the foods and processed baked goods high in fat that do us no good.

"We are indeed much more than we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are." - Adelle Davis