Heartburn of the Non-Holiday Kind

It may seem like the holidays are a recipe for heartburn, but there are things you can do to prevent acid reflux on the big day as well as everyday. Overeating is a major cause of heartburn which is caused by digestive stomach acid flowing up into our esophagus or food pipe. If you are bothered by acid reflux, eat smaller amounts more times during the day, but stop eating two or three hours before you lie down to sleep. If you have to eat late, lie down, and elevate your head and shoulders or lie on your left side. As these methods reduce the acid from flowing back into your esophagus.

High-fat foods are known triggers for acid reflux, and it’s good to get familiar with foods that cause your heartburn to happen. If you know onions, jalapenos, or spicy foods get to you, consider skipping them. Some medications may help. If you make changes in your diet and still have heartburn, see your doctor. Heartburn should not be allowed to continue untreated as the acid could injure your esophagus requiring some serious treatment.

"The proximity of a desirable thing tempts one to overindulgence. On that path lies danger." - Frank Herbert