Not Just For Carving

Every year it is estimated that over 28 million pumpkins are carved into jack-o-lanterns for Halloween. The vast majority of people who carve pumpkins throw away the pulp and the seeds. What a waste! They must not know that these gourds are one of the most nutritious superfoods there is.

Get scooping! Pumpkin seeds are a treasure. They are delicious to munch, roasted or sprinkled on salads.

Benefits include lowering the risk of bladder stones, helping to prevent depression, and may even reduce cholesterol.

Uncanny! You don’t need fresh pumpkin to reap the benefits. Canned pumpkin is packed with vitamins A, C, K and fiber. Try adding it to smoothies, soups, oatmeal, pancakes, any baked goods, or add cinnamon and spread on toast.

"People with glass pumpkins shouldn’t throw gourds!"   Unknown