The Power of Journaling Your Thoughts for Mental Health

We don’t know about you, but the idea of journaling or keeping a diary reminds us of middle school — scribbling hearts, lovesick ramblings, or our deepest secrets. But, maybe we should not have stopped.

Scientific evidence shows that journaling has excellent benefits. We stimulate both sides of the brain when we do so, quite literally allowing us to use all of our brainpower at once.


Relieves stress. Writing down our daily frustrations gives us a safe place to say exactly what we feel.

Get to know yourself and boost your self-esteem. Writing consistently can help us recognize patterns in our life. If one person keeps coming up in a negative way, we may realize this person is toxic and not good for our well-being. On the other hand, if we write about the great things that happen, it reminds us what we can be thankful for.

Boost your creativity. Since you’re using the right side of your brain, creativity is spiked! But this can also be great for the left, more analytical side—helping us to marry the two sides and problem solve more effectively.

How to start: Set aside 15-20 minutes a day – morning can be a great time to get creative juices flowing, but anytime works! Remember, there are no rules! This is your time to be totally free with your thoughts!