Partners To Part With

Do you recognize domestic abuse when you witness it in other people’s relationships? It’s not difficult to identify when a family, friend, or co-worker starts to give red-flag signs that there’s a problem. Signs of abuse can be more difficult to recognize when you are living it than witnessing it. Domestic abuse is defined as a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors, including physical or emotional attacks meant to gain control over one’s partner.

Be aware of the warning signs and know how to get help because support is available.


• A partner who is overly possessive, jealous, or controlling.

• Someone who calls you names, belittles you, or tries to make you feel helpless and undeserving.

• Anyone who hits, grabs, or puts his/her hands on you in any way causing bodily harm.

• Someone who tries to isolate you from social connections and support.

• Using anger, fear, and intimidation as means of control.

What You Can Do:

If you are experiencing abuse, seek help from someone you trust to end the relationship safely. If you are abusing your partner, seek help to take responsibility and end the abuse. If you know someone being abused offer information, resources and support. Speak out against domestic violence in your community.