Staying SHARP

Good nutrition and physical activity go a long way, but so do mental exercises. While memory loss may just be another part of getting older, simple things you do may slow the decline. An important part of preserving your memory is taking breaks from your thinking routine.

Seek out activities that take you out of your comfort zone. The more you challenge yourself mentally, the better you will be able to process, problem solve and remember things, now and in the long run.


Be puzzled. Choose games that force you to think outside of the box, in creative ways. Hold game nights with friends and/or family. Or go solo – do a crossword puzzle, Sudoku or computer Mahjong, for example.

On a serious note, laugh. With each giggle, laughter is one of the most stimulating activities, affecting many parts of the brain. Watch comedic shows or movies. Hang out with happy, playful people. Surround yourself with things that make you think happy thoughts.

Find your inner Picasso. A hobby or two can be a real brain saver, whether it’s an activity that you’ve always wanted to try, or one that you’re continuing. Check out a community center or your local library for fun classes being offered to get you started.

Be a butterfly. A study from the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that having an active social life can slow the rate of memory decline. No friends around? Pets count, too!

Small things can lead to big results. Listen to classical music, watch a fish tank, get wrapped up in a good book, study and cook the cuisines you’ve never tried before, or calculate numbers without a calculator.