Get Fit with Fido

Many weight loss and fitness tips suggest one should exercise with a friend or a partner. What better partner than your favorite pooch? In the United States, more than half of adults are overweight and obese and 40% of the dog population is overweight. Some dogs are even obese. It’s clear that both humans and canines can benefit from losing weight to control and lower risk for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and stroke. What about the benefits of exercising with a dog?

Advantages of Exercising with Your Dog

• People feel less self-conscious when walking with a dog than when walking alone.

• Your dog will get into the daily exercise habit faster and will encourage you to get in the habit too.

• Your dog will not let you down by canceling a walk.

• Your relationship with your dog improves as you share an activity you both enjoy.


Dogs love to play. There are more ways to get active than just a regular walk. Other ideas include:

Swimming - engages every muscle. One minute of swimming is equivalent to 4 minutes of jogging.

Fetch - Toss a ball or a Frisbee. This burns more calories for Fido, but it is the getting up and out that is great exercise for the both of you.

Chase - It’s better to get your dog to chase you. Many dogs will love to run after you with a toy in tow.

Consult with your veterinarian before you begin a workout program to see what’s right for your dog and a physician, to see what’s right for you. If you don’t have a dog, volunteer to walk a neighbor’s dog. Even better, sign-up at your local shelter or humane society and volunteer to walk those dogs.

"Old Yeller was bought for 3 dollars from a shelter, his real name was Spike." - World Features