Get Organized to Get Ahead

When you are organized in the workplace, productivity increases and clients will be more apt to work with you. A cluttered desk can leave you stressed out searching for pens, papers, and important folders.  Often, work can be lost or misplaced leading to confidentiality issues and problems for the company itself. Maintaining a tidy workspace decreases the amount of time wasted searching for files, leading to more productivity, quicker work completion, and lessened stress.

How To Organize Your Workspace:

De-clutter. Start by recycling and trashing things you don’t need such as old pens that no longer work and unnecessary paperwork. Scan and digitize business cards and certain files.

Create work zones. Examine what kind of work happens where and designate work zones in your space. Ensure that you place related items in those areas as you work each day.  Position your phone and other things you use regularly close by to avoid back pain and carpal tunnel.

Organize your files. Create folders and files on your desktop or in a filing cabinet. Organize them alphabetically for easy accessibility in the event of a last minute meeting or a file request from a manager.

Stick to the plan. Keep your workspace neat and tidy to avoid disorganization becoming a never-ending cycle. Create a filing and discard schedule to keep on track.

With files and reports readily accessible, productivity will skyrocket and to do lists will more easily be completed. 

Managers and companies benefit from productive workers as clients feel safer utilizing firms that take care of their information and projects. Completing tasks quickly and effectively leads to promotions and most importantly, happier employees.