Making Your Desktop Healthy Is Easier Than You Think

If you work in an office, you know that eight or more hours at a desk can really take a toll on your body. Human beings are not designed to sit for prolonged periods, and doing so can lead to health problems including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) and more. Here are a few simple ways to combat affected health issues from happening to you.

Choose a comfortable chair. 

  • A chair with the ability to adjust armrests, seat and back is a must. You want to position yourself so your arms are just above your desk and folded at a 90º angle. The goal is to have your hands float over your keyboard and mouse.  
  • In terms of seat back, the further forward, the better your posture, so keep the back of your chair as upright as possible to avoid slouching. 
  • If your current chair does not have lumbar support, purchase a chair add-on and a comfortable cushion.
  • Your feet should be able to rest flat on the floor. If they do not, use a footrest.

Position your hardware correctly.

  • Your eyes should be level with the top of your monitor to avoid neck and eye issues. 
  • Keep the keyboard and mouse very close together and ensure that your wrists aren’t bending when typing or clicking. Type and click as lightly as possible.  
  • Keep items you use frequently, such as your phone, notebooks, and writing utensils near to you to avoid reaching.

“The brain forgets much, but the lower back remembers everything.”   Robert Brault