Pillow Punching Myth

How do you express your anger and frustration? Do you punch a pillow or suggest someone lash out at an inanimate object? This popular idea that a person will relieve stress by yelling, hitting, or destroying is actually a myth. 40 years of research reveals that encouraging these destructive expressions of anger actually makes a person more aggressive.  

So what is a healthy response or way to deal with anger?

Constructive problem-solving to address what has made us angry is the best way to feel better and address the situation.  Working through emotional turmoil without physical violence is much healthier. Physical exercise to alleviate stress is healthy outlet as long as it doesn’t involve punching or kicking anything when angry.

If you need to get your anger under control, turn to others for help, practice calming exercises and use rational thinking rather than aggression.

"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."   Carrie Snow