Mindful Meals

Holiday overeating can easily turn into a habit. It’s time to turn mindless eating into mindful meals. Become more aware of what you’re eating, and pay attention to small changes that can make big differences.

Here are tips for more mindful eating:

Plan ahead. When eating out, decide ahead of time what you will be eating. That way you will be less likely to give in to temptation.

Identify influencers. According to research from Case Western Reserve, people pleasers tend to eat more, whether they are hungry or not, in order to match what people around them are eating. Another study from the Netherlands found that women tend to mimic each other’s eating behaviors. Note what you eat with friends. Is there someone you usually overeat with and later regret?

Prepare. Have healthy snacks readily available as the best time to eat is when you are hungry.

Be present. Don’t eat while watching TV, on a device or on the phone. You may eat everything and enjoy nothing. Eat slowly, savoring each bite so your brain can get the signal you are full.

It’s always helpful to track what you eat in a journal or device. Even if you aren’t counting calories or points, just being accountable goes a long way.