Emotional Health and Its Affect on the Physical Body

They don’t call it heartache for nothing. Emotional pain and anxiety don’t just affect our physical health. Stress not only creates physical issues, it can also exacerbate pre-existing conditions. Emotional pain can lead us to unhealthy lifestyles resulting in the following physical issues.

Stomach issues. You may be familiar with stomach pain that accompanies anxiety. Recent studies have found a link  between anxiety and the development of gastrointestinal issues.

Weakened Immune System. People with chronic stress or depression may have weakened immune systems due to eating poorly, not exercising, having poor sleep habits and being more apt to smoke.

Physical pain. You may notice back and muscle pain when you are feeling particularly stressed or upset. Physical pain can both cause and be caused by anxiety and depression.

The mind-body connection is powerful and still not fully understood. Recognizing emotions, mental, spiritual and behavior factors that can directly affect our health is key for overall well-being.