Clear The Clutter

Clutter can show up in our home or office, but the connection is a metaphor for life and you can’t be in peace in clutter. If you feel buried under “stuff” then it may be time to let go. Letting go of the old is liberating and good for the soul. It also reminds you that “things” aren’t worth nearly as much as those you love.

Get started. Discard one old item that you feel you can’t part with. Once it’s gone, you’ll quickly realize you can’t remember what it was that made you hold onto it so tightly.

Important papers. Tax returns and other important papers should be filed in a safe place. Donate books you’ve already read. Recycle newspapers and magazines and if you haven’t read it within a week of receiving it, toss it.

Clothing. Keep your classic favorites. If it hasn’t been worn in the last 18 months, let it go.

Outdated? Toss it. Expired food and medications should be discarded.

Don’t let clutter stand between you and your vision for your best life.

“Keeping baggage from the past will leave no room for happiness in the future.”   Wayne L. Misner