Are You Lonely Tonight?

Social connection is not made by a high number of followers or friends on a social media profile. It’s having a close confidante in one’s life. You can have just a few people to interact with in a deeper relationship and feel very connected. Human connection is having someone to call when you are sad, people that are happy for you when you share good news and have in-person interactions and trusting relationships with.

In the current era of electronic connectivity people are lonelier than ever before because the opportunities to connect on a human level are scarce.

We are people who for generations, have learned to communicate through facial expression, gestures, tone of voice, touch and smell. We need personal contact and individual face-to-face relationships in order to bond, form friendships and to slow the growth of loneliness.

To foster deeper relationships:

Communicate in-person. Don’t ignore the person in the room with you for an electronic relationship or substitute an electronic relationship for a physical one.

Lift your spirits by hearing people laugh instead of reading LOL.

Don’t have difficult conversations over electronic media. It may feel like an easier way to face an uncomfortable situation, but emotion doesn’t transmit well electronically and the outcome is often worse.

Our effect on one another is much more meaningful when in person. A smile, hug or heartfelt gesture has more power than any emoji.