Emotional Bankruptcy

Emotional bankruptcy is a lot like financial bankruptcy in that it has warning signs and involves your emotional bank account approaching zero. If you find that you are unable to sleep, express emotions, or are feeling generally over stimulated, you may be close to emotional bankruptcy.

  • Take stock of the things that bring you joy. If you enjoy spending time with your pet or playing the guitar, do more of it!
  • Take time to meditate, take a bath, and get enough sleep and other activities that allow you to recharge.
  • In addition to doing self- care activities, maybe it’s also time to leave work at a reasonable hour or minimize time spent with a toxic family member.

Giving more to yourself allows you to give more to others. Eventually, making this space will allow you to heal the relationship you have with yourself and your loved ones.

“Loneliness is never more cruel than when it is felt in close propinquity with someone who has ceased to communicate.”   Germaine Greer