Social Undistancing

A lack of social connectedness impacts loneliness, feelings of isolation and other mental health issues. Social contact through phone calls, text messages or an online community help alleviate loneliness and help those living alone.

A few tips to help foster connections while working remotely include:

  • Create a daily commute chat. If you made phone calls while driving to work in the past, turn those previous commute chats into morning coffee or take a walk chats.
  • Make lunch plans. Whether virtual lunch plans or in-person with another household member.

Ways to nurture relationships and connections include:

  • Plan NO technology time with people in your household or social distance circle. Disconnect from cell phones, social media and turn off notifications.
  • Set calendar reminders. Note birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions of friends and family and hand write a note or card or mail a care package.

Modern technology is no substitute for human touch, such as holding hands, hugging or massage. Re-establishing connections after social distancing for a long period of time is a process. Social distancing will become more relaxed, while some measures such as keeping a physical distance, attention to vigilant handwashing and consistent, effective and frequent surface cleaning will remain for a while.

“Sometimes the only thing you could do for people was to be there.”   Terry Pratchett