Don’t Be A Bozo

Does alcohol kill brain cells? The belief that alcohol destroys brain cells has been around for a long time. Just observing a drunken person’s slurred speech and impaired judgment is enough to convince anyone that alcohol does affect the brain. Drinking too much may make someone act like a 'Bozo', but it isn’t actually killing any brain cells. It can, however, cause a deficiency in an essential B vitamin that causes damage to neurons in the brain.

People who have an extreme habit of drinking can develop a neurological disorder called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This leads to loss of neurons in some part of the brain and causes memory problems, confusion, lack of muscle coordination, amnesia and can lead to death. Alcohol consumed in moderation, such as a small glass of wine a day can have benefits. However, drinking excessively can lead to a lot of problems. So alcohol doesn’t kill brain cells, but it can damage them.

"The first thing in the human personality that dissolves in alcohol is dignity."   Unknown