Healthy Eating Highway

The closer you are to your food source, the healthier you will eat. Food at home may come from fresh vegetables, from your garden or whole foods and lean meats from the grocery store. When away from home, the options can start to go down hill from processed, prepared or prepackaged foods. Healthy eating choices can be made on the road, but circumstances can prove menacing. Places where we have to make difficult food choices can be at the airport, on the road or even when we reach our final destination. If you are traveling this season, here are some tips to make sure you don’t get lost on your journey to good health.

  • Pack snacks for the car, such as fresh cut fruit, veggies, cheese and whole wheat crackers and nuts. Bring a small cooler for snacks and sandwiches with peanut butter or lean meats.
  • Service stations have adequate choices, if you can get past the donuts and greasy chips. Look for whole grain breakfast or protein bars, cereals and low-fat milk.
  • Fast food restaurants also provide sources of a high protein breakfasts like an english muffin with egg and low-fat Canadian bacon. Leaner lunches can come from sandwich shops, choose grilled chicken over fried, select salads carefully, and opt for smaller portions.

You will be happy with yourself when you return home if you follow these easy tips to help you stay in control while traveling.