Combat All-Day Sitting

Sitting disease can be considered a sign of the times – technology is pushing us toward a more sedentary society. You can buy groceries, read a novel and everything in between, behind a computer. One could very easily sit behind a desk all day without even thinking about it. Increasing physical activity is generally a good idea, but moving throughout the day is an important step toward health. A study by the Women’s Health Initiative reports that even if individuals workout regularly, prolonged sitting can still significantly increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Sitting disease is definitely one that can be avoided with awareness and some conscious effort.

Stuck at the office?

  • If you have to, set a timer and make it a point to stand up and stretch every 30 minutes.
  • Walk or pace while talking on the phone.
  • Take all of your breaks and walk.

At home, get off the couch.

  • Play video games where you are the controller.
  • Be productive while watching your favorite shows – dust, sweep, mop.
  • Limit your time behind a screen, don’t get caught up in useless web surfing.
  • If it’s safe, take advantage of your neighborhood and walk to the grocery store, coffee house, or a restaurant.

Now that you’re aware of sitting disease, it’s time to get up and get moving!

"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."- Frank Lloyd Wright