Addicting Foods

There are so many super-palatable foods containing sugar, salt and fat that are nearly impossible to resist. No one ever developed obesity from overeating fresh fruits and vegetables. So why is it so difficult to stop eating processed foods?

Food inventors and scientists spend a huge amount of time formulating processed foods that have the perfect amount of sugar, fat and salt to send products flying off the shelves. There is growing research stating that processed foods can be addictive.

Our bodies have not evolved to handle the over stimulating combination of these three ingredients.

Sugar rush. A high intake of sugar releases a chemical in the brain called serotonin, which induces euphoria. Aside from increased weight gain, eating too much sugar is linked to an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.

Fat fills the role of that warm gooey mouth feeling that rushes to the same pleasure center of the brain, but carries twice as many calories.

Hooked on salt. There is a flavor burst to the salt, but is also serves as a preservative so foods can stay on shelves for months.

Our lives don’t allow us to avoid processed foods altogether, but you can take control by deciding what to buy and how much to eat.