When To Move On...Open a Door or Close it!

How do you know if you are just chasing your tail or if you are making progress in a situation? Whether it’s moving on from a relationship, a job, a set of behaviors or any situation, it is important to recognize when it’s a dead end. It feels safe to stay in a situation whether it is working for us or not. There are no simple step-by- step instructions for knowing when to move on, but there are surely signs.

The most knowing sign is that little voice within you saying that something isn’t right and can’t be fixed. The truth can hurt, and it can take courage to realize something isn’t working and start fresh. Moving on is a metaphor for making a decision, be it a television show or a relationship. There is a balance between giving up too soon and spending too much time and effort in a no-win situation. If you are unsure, ask yourself, "How’s this working for me now?"

"Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning to start over."   Nicole Sobon