Ways To Relax

Relaxation/Meditaion Techniques - When you are tense, stressed-out or downright panicked, how do you react? Stress can cause one to lash-out, suffer from headaches or neck pain and get sick. Your mind can trigger your body’s natural relaxation response. Techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, meditation and yoga can keep you calm and collected when setbacks surprise you. Props like soothing music, lit candles, and stimulating scents can create a settling background. All stress can’t be avoided, it’s the way you react and defeat the negative consequences. Just like anything else you are skilled at, relaxation takes practice. Don’t expect to be able to deep breathe your way into balance when you’ve been hit by a curveball. Set 10-20 minutes aside a day to practice and get stress relief.

Choose one of the following techniques that appeals most to you and give it a try:

Deep Breathing - Take deep breaths through the abdomen inhaling oxygen in through your nose, and exhaling out of your mouth. Try sitting up with your back straight and holding your stomach so you can feel it move in as you exhale.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation - This is basically tensing and relaxing your muscles one at a time so that you are becoming aware of and able to counteract tension that comes with stress. An audio CD can be very helpful to get you started. It is usually paired with visual imagery and soothing music.

Meditation - Start with a quiet environment and get in a comfortable position. Focus on a meaningful word, phrase to repeat, or an object in your surroundings and keep focusing until distracting thoughts move out of your mind.

These approaches along with yoga, tai chi, going for a walk, relaxing messages or supportive talks with a friend are all excellent ways to relieve tension and feel good.