Change it Up: Fun Ways To Exercise

Most of us are creatures of habit, so when we find an exercise that is effective (and enjoyable), we can get a little stuck in our ways. Not only does changing up your routine increase effectiveness, it also makes workouts more exciting. Believe it or not, there are plenty of fun ways to exercise without even knowing it. So, how can you make getting fit fun?

Go hiking with friends. Hiking is a great way to get some fresh air, cardio, and scenery into your week. If you like exploring the outdoors, taking photographs, and going on adventures with friends, this is a no brainer way to change up your routine while getting fit.

Have a catch or play Frisbee. If you’re going to spend the day at the park, bring a Frisbee or softball along. Just an hour of catch or Frisbee can burn about 200 calories while inciting some friendly competition.  

Join a sports team. Team sports are a fun and different way to stay active.  Most teams meet once or twice a week for about an hour. 

Go dancing! If you love dancing, you’ll be happy to know that it’s a great way to burn calories!  The best part about dancing is how many options there are -- Zumba, hip hop, ballet, swing, salsa and more! Just one hour of your preferred dance and you’ll burn anywhere from 200 – 600 calories! 

Changing your exercise routine will shock your body out of a plateau and will keep your muscles guessing and your brain sharp. 

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."   Tony Robbins