The Truth About Soup

It’s comforting on a cold day, soothing when we’re sick and has a high water content, which helps you feel full.  

Cracking the Can

  • Watch the sodium and fat. Skip the “cream of” varieties and opt for tomato or vegetable and broth based.
  • Pick high fiber soups with beans like minestrone. 
  • Look for no MSG and natural flavorings instead.

Simmering on the Stove

Homemade soup may be less convenient than pre-packaged, but it comes without all the chemicals and you can pre-package and freeze portions yourself. You don’t need a recipe to make delicious and nutritious soup. Experiment by starting with a broth base and add a variety of your favorite vegetables, beans or lean meat.

Next time you want a comforting meal that will help warm you up in the cold season enjoy a hot bowl soup.

“When you have a good stock, you can make a good soup.”   Martin Yan