Conquer Stress

Everyone knows that exercise is good for health, but a few of the main reasons given for not exercising are, “ too busy or too stressed”. What these folks may not realize is that nothing can beat regular physical activity as a technique to reduce stress!

Aerobic activity improves blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Moderate physical activity can naturally make you feel good to help:

  • Clear your thoughts. Take a walk or jog tone down emotional intensity to deal with problems more calmly.
  • Relieve anxiety. Tension builds up when your body doesn’t move enough. Physical tension turns to mental tension.  Burn off that energy with exercise. 
  • Relax tense muscles. Stress affects the brain, which impacts the body. Exercise produces feel good endorphins that act as natural pain killers to lower tension and improve sleep.
  • Fight Depression. A recent study shows that as little as three hours of regular exercise a week can reduce the symptoms of mild depression. 

So next time you think you are too stressed to exercise, that is the best time to get moving for immediate relief.

“Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle.”   Bill Phillips