Grow Wellness In Your Garden

It’s always rewarding to cook a healthy meal from food from plucked from your own backyard. Gardening is more than just fun and rewarding!

It saves money. Studies have shown that gardening lettuce alone can save you upwards of $300 a year.  If you also grew herbs, cherry tomatoes, and green beans, your savings would be closer to, or more than, $1000 a year. Even better than that – you know where your food is coming from!

It’s great exercise. Believe it or not, gardening is considered exercise. All of the muscles you use—your arms, legs, buttocks, and core, reap the benefits of the activity. It also stretches your muscles, relieving pain and helping to keep your joints healthy. You can burn up to 200 calories digging a hole, and close to 150 calories by planting. Gardening is also a great for the mind and is a proven de-stressor.

You’ll eat healthier. When you plant your own garden you can choose what you put into it – that means your garden can be 100% organic. Also, with fruits and vegetables at your disposal, you are more apt to prepare colorful, well-balanced meals. Not to mention, you’ll be eating the freshest, fully flavored fruits and veggies you could find!

So, while you’re preparing for the warmer months, consider starting a garden! You will be staying healthy while having fun! 

“Life’s a garden. Dig it.”   Unknown