Hit Your Food Target

Eat Until Satisfied

No one is perfect and that includes eating healthy. Everyone has favorite foods and it’s typical to enjoy good meals. Instead of eating until the food is gone or until you can’t eat another bite, stop eating before you feel full. It can take practice to be fully aware of hunger cues and identify when you are physically satisfied. 

Begin by being aware of external clues that signal a meal is over: 

  • The plate is empty. 
  • Everyone else is finished.
  • A TV show is over

Instead be mindful of internal clues: 

  • Only eat when you are physically hungry. 
  • Pay attention to your hunger level. 
  • Use smaller plates 
  • Eat slower

Even when you are aware of your body’s signals, the emotional pull to finish may be overwhelming. 

“We all eat, and it would be a sad waste of opportunity to eat badly.”   Anna Thomas