Get Exotic: Try A New Fruit or Veggie

Variety. It keeps us from getting bored. So why do people tend to buy the same fruits and vegetables at the market? Be it habit or lack of familiarity, finding and preparing new foods keeps eating interesting and ensures a well-rounded nutrient intake.


Tomatillos look like green tomatoes. Cook and use for sauces and salsa.

Pumelo is the largest citrus fruit there is. Their rind is thicker than grapefruit, peels more easily, and the juicy flesh is sweeter.

White asparagus tastes the same as the green variety but is more tender.

Star fruit, also known as carambola in its native Southeast Asia, is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and low in sugar.

Romanescu, which you will like if you enjoy cauliflower or broccoli.

Don’t be afraid to try something new. In fact, make a point to try a new exotic once a week. Have fun with it. Visit local farmers markets, pick up the unfamiliar and ask what it is and how to eat it. Most vendors will offer you a taste and share their favorite ways to enjoy.

“Buy local OR bye local.”   Wendy Martin