Harnessing Hunger

Given the opportunity, some of us would eat all day. The desire to eat is sometimes triggered by hunger, other times it’s cravings, boredom or other social or emotional factors. Hunger is the body’s physical need for food. Appetite, on the other hand, is what causes the munchies. Keeping the appetite in check is key for losing or maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Eat regularly. Eating before you get too hungry will help you make healthier food choices and be less likely to overeat. Eating at regularly scheduled times helps you control your hunger throughout the day.
  • Bulk up your meals. Foods with lots of fiber like beans, fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good choices because they have a high water content, which helps make you feel full.
  • Eat slowly. It takes the brain as long as 20 minutes to get the signal you’re full.
  • Add more water. Water is also a great way to keep you feeling full all day. Obviously, the water helps to make you feel full, but it also raises your metabolic rate, which boosts how fast you burn calories.

“I try to feed my hunger, not my appetite.”   Ginger Rogers