Winter Delights

Once upon a time, winter meant no fresh veggies and fruit unless it had been frozen or canned. Now, food that does grow in winter in some areas are easily shipped anywhere that doesn’t have as much winter produce.

Below are a few options and ideas to prepare them:


Parsnips – Root vegetable similar in taste to a carrot but sweeter. Bake, mash or roast.

Butternut Squash – Turns creamy and sweet when cooked. Sauté in a little butter or roast with olive oil.

Greens – Kale, collard and mustard greens are hearty enough to survive colder temperatures. Simmer for an hour or more. Try Japanese style with sesame oil and rice wine.



Persimmons – Date-like sweetness and a hint of spice. When ripe, simply dip a spoon into the creamy flesh.

Pomegranates – Each fruit holds up to 600 juicy jewel-like seeds. Add to salads, cocktails, desserts or stews.

Pears – Succulent addition for all sorts of winter dishes. Slice and add to salads with crumbled cheese and walnuts, or try poaching a crisp Bosc pear in red wine.