Bring That Beet Back

What extremely nutritious food just happens to be tasty and delicious? Beets! Roasted, tossed in a salad, pickled or juiced, colorful beets are a treasure. More than just appetizing, beets have many health benefits that may surprise you.


  • are high in vitamins and minerals – Fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, B & C; beta-carotene, beta-cyanine and folic acid.
  • cleanse the body, purify the blood and flush the liver.
  • improve mental health with substances that relax the mind and lower blood pressure.
  • boost energy – Low in calories, but high in natural sugar that is released slowly.

If you haven’t tried this root veggie yet, give it a try.

“What did the carrot say to the wheat? Lettuce rest, I’m feeling beet.”   Shel Silverstein