Four Financial Decisions You Won’t Regret

Impulse purchases can feel good, but buyer’s remorse is never pleasurable. Situations around money can be stressful or exhilarating, feelings of joyful anticipation or fearful foreboding. Whether it’s planning to fund a vacation, saving for a rainy day or searching for a loan, below are four financial decisions that would be hard to regret:

  1. Saving for an emergency. Having money available for life’s unexpected fall-outs can bring a sense of comfort and relieve anxiety.
  2. Have a financial plan. This can mean living on budget, contributing to a retirement account or investing, but whatever route you take, make educated decisions and focus on long–term goals.
  3. Take your time making big decisions. Always take the time to think through financial decisions. Should I buy that house? Can I afford a new car? How much debt can I handle?
  4. Be generous. Giving to those in need can be very fulfilling. When donating to non-profits, before you give, check out a charity’s ratings to make sure it’s legitimate and you know how your donation will be used.

Guidestar, CharityWatch and Charity Navigator are a few websites that are helpful. Look for programs that spend 75% or more of it’s budgets on programs.

“The waste of money cures itself, for soon there is no more to waste.”   M.W. Harrison