Savoring A Holiday Meal

If you want to have a little of everything on your holiday plate you are not alone. You can savor a special holiday meal and enjoy all the delicious dishes without regret if you make a few considerations before spooning them on your plate.

White or Dark Meat? Dark meat has more calories and fat. So if you want more turkey for the same calories go for the white meat.

Stuffing or Mashed Potatoes? This is a tough one. Stuffing will set you back 371 calories and 19 grams of fat for just a ¾ cup. Compare that to a hefty scoop and it’s not hard to see that mashed potatoes even with butter can be more filling for less calories.  

Gravy or Cranberry Sauce? Gravy is the better choice over jellied cranberries which are full of added sugars. Remember a little goes a long way, no need to cover your food in gravy.

Sweet Potato or Sweet Potato Casserole? Sweet potato casseroles are a tradition in most homes. The added butter and marshmallows add a decadent sweetness, but if you bake a sweet potato long enough its own sugars will ooze out in a caramelized topping that is tasty and natural.  

Pecan, Apple or Pumpkin Pie? Pumpkin pie is the slimmest choice, while apple and pecan have higher calories. Plus, apple pie usually is accompanied by vanilla ice cream which puts you over the top. Enjoy a small piece of pumpkin pie with whipped topping.

Don’t deprive yourself, enjoy and you will feel great when you manage your plate without overdoing it!