Positive Relationships

You want positive relationships. Recognize that good relationships make us happier and healthier. Good relations with co-workers make the work environment a more enjoyable place and supportive friends and family can make life more rewarding and less stressful.

Healthy relationships encourage:

  • Feeling safe to express thoughts and emotions.
  • Open communication and non-judgmental, non-confrontational talk.
  • Addressing issues when they happen, so they can be handled quickly and efficiently, rather than complaining or gossiping to others about them.  

The way we relate to others affects quality of life. You can only control how you act or react to other people.

Steps you can take to contribute to improving relationships at work and home are:

  • Listen to what the other person is saying, rather than making assumptions.
  • Nurture relationships by following through with commitments, being honest and showing appreciation of others.  
  • Recognize healthy relationships. Keep realistic expectations of others, be reliable, and respectful of others’ time.
  • Manage conflict. Resolve issues by taking the time to think about your feelings and discuss without degrading language.
  • Set healthy personal boundaries. Pleasing others at your own expense is not healthy. Don’t be afraid to tell someone if you need emotional or physical space.

“Our greatest joy and our greatest pain comes in our relationships with others.”   Stephen R. Covey