Getting Unstuck

Sometimes it feels like life should be easy. Then the inevitable problems, burdens and life difficulties arise and we moan and complain about them and struggle to solve them. Confronting and solving problems is painful, difficult and uncomfortable. Problems call upon us to gain strength and wisdom to solve them and it is in this process that we grow mentally and find meaning.

Attempting to avoid or ignore problems, either by procrastinating, numbing the pain or pretending they don’t exist, is what hinders mental and spiritual health. This is where we get stuck. The behaviors that we use to avoid our problems become more painful than the original issue we aimed to avoid. We also miss out on the growth that dealing with the suffering would have demanded from us.

Learning to embrace the suffering and the value of growth that comes with facing problems requires discipline. By working through problems successfully we learn and grow in the process. Confront pain rather than avoid it.

To have a deep sense of self.

  1. Believe in yourself. Trust yourself that you know your best interest while keeping doubt and insecurities from showing up.
  2. Live for yourself and not anyone else. Do not give away your power. Stay connected with your values, integrity, and gain confidence and courage to live for you.
  3. Compliment yourself. Give yourself credit for all that you are and that you do every day.
  4. Keep moving forward. Forgive yourself and others by letting go of the past.