Detecting Breast Cancer Early

Breast cancer can’t be prevented yet, but you can take three important steps to increase your chance of finding it early before it spreads.

  1. Do a breast-self awareness check once a month. Be familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel. Look for a lump, change in size or shape of breast, dimpling in the skin, a nipple turned inward, discharge, scaly, red or swollen skin.
  2. Visit your provider for a Well-Woman Exam once a year. This includes a routine pelvic exam, pap smear and the doctor will perform a brief breast exam.
  3. National Breast Cancer Foundation recommends women ages 40 and older get a Mammogram every year. A mammogram is an X-Ray of the breast that can detect cancer before a lump is large enough to be detected by touch.

Early detection means finding the cancer before it spreads.