4 Ways To Eat Smart

Making smart food choices, especially around the holidays allows you to indulge a little without regret. Here are four smart eating strategies to survive special occasion meals and use year-round:

  1. Increase your calorie budget with some extra exercise. Getting a work out in does more than just give you a little food flexibility, it can also help create a mindset to help you resist overeating. After all who wants to do all that hard work for nothing.
  2. Fill up on the healthy options. Fill your plate with vegetables, salad and lean meat like white meat turkey! Treat yourself to small portions of the decadent dishes.
  3. Eat breakfast. Fiber and protein at breakfast will keep you from getting too hungry later. Never skip meals to save up calories for later in the day.
  4. Try healthier alternatives. Swap out classic favorites for lighter versions of dishes.    

“We all eat lies, when our hearts are hungry.”   Unknown