Raise Healthier Eaters

Share an appreciation for healthful food, prepared with love to serve to others. Whether you have children or just share meals on occasion with kids, be a role model by eating healthy. Serving regular balanced meals and snacks while providing pleasant meal times can go a long way to improve the whole family’s nutrition.

  • Involve kids in the process. Include them in making meal planning choices.
  • Avoid battling over food. If kids are hungry, they will eat from the foods they are served.
  • Let children choose new foods to try and pick out a new fresh, frozen or canned fruit or vegetable at the grocery store.
  • Plant a garden and provide opportunities for children to enjoy the process of planting, tending, harvesting and eating the results of their labor.

Try to keep a positive approach about food. The mealtime habits you help create now can lead to a lifetime of healthier choices.