Find Your Park

Parks are places where people find their serenity, their moments and their adventures. Taking advantage of your local public parks is a simple and inexpensive way to have fun and improve your physical fitness. Explore the many “undiscovered” offerings and innovative health and wellness opportunities by heading to your local park, rec center or pool.

Playgrounds - Take kids to play.

Sports parks - Play basketball, baseball or join an adult sports league.

Discover nature - Hike, photograph nature, run on trails or walk on paths.

Summer camps - Fun activities like games, sports and art.

Group fitness classes - Many rec centers offer Zumba classes, yoga and other types of group exercise opportunities.

Aquatic - Swimming is a whole-body work out. It’s a low-impact exercise that people of all ages and activity levels can enjoy.

Tennis - Can be enjoyed by everyone from youths to seniors. The health advantages can include improved heart health, balance and coordination.

Outdoor Education - Explore and enjoy while learning about the plant, animal and nature elements of your area.

“There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy, and its charm.”   Theodore Roosevelt