4 Food Types To Embrace & Avoid

There are countless books, eating plans, documentaries and news stories instructing you on which foods you should eat and which you need to stay away from. Making smart food and nutrition choices can be confusing, but it can be simplified by focusing on nourishing your body instead of depriving it.

EMBRACE: High quality protein - Vital nutrients that are the body’s basic building blocks for growth, energy and cognitive function.

EXAMPLES: Fish, nuts, lean meats.

AVOID PROCESSED FOOD: Processed junk food is low in fiber, protein and micro nutrients, but high in added sugars and refined grains.

EXAMPLES: Bacon, sausage or pepperoni and most fast food meals.  


EMBRACE: VEGGIES & FRUITS - Loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

EXAMPLES: Vary your fruit and veggie choices to keep meals interesting.

AVOID SUGAR: Added sugar increases your hunger, leads to weight gain and raises health risk factors linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other conditions.

EXAMPLES: Sodas, fruit punch, ice cream, candy bars, pastries.


EMBRACE: WHOLE GRAINS - Include the entire grain bran, germ and endosperm that are packed with nutrients and fiber.

EXAMPLES: Oats, brown rice, barley, quinoa or whole grain pastas and breads.

AVOID REFINED CARBS: Grains milled to remove the bran and germ which strips the grain of it’s important nutrients.

EXAMPLES: White bread, sweetened breakfast cereals, white rice and pasta.


EMBRACE: OILS - Not a food group, but provide essential nutrients.

EXAMPLES: Olive, canola, flaxseed, avocado, walnut, sesame, grapeseed.

AVOID ARTIFICIAL TRANS FATS: Harmful man-made fats that are linked to heart disease.

EXAMPLES: Fried foods, baked goods, margarine, frozen pizzas. Look for “partially hydrogenated oils” on food labels.

Follow key recommendations of balanced food groups recommended by The Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Visit Choosemyplate.gov and explore the food groups.