Drink Water Today

Water is the source of life. A person can survive without water for only about 3 days! The body is unable to function correctly without water. The effects of dehydration come on quickly, especially in extremely hot conditions when a person sweats. 

Water intake is so critical to health, yet drinking water and staying hydrated is the simplest behavior you can accomplish daily. Eight glasses a day is the standard recommendation, but can differ based on the person and environmental factors. Generally, your thirst will guide you when it comes to how much water you should drink. 

Eating foods that contain a high amount of water also helps hydration. Food alone isn’t likely to provide an adequate amount of water to sustain you, but it can help. 

Fruits and vegetables with the highest amount of water include: 

• cantaloupe

• strawberries

• watermelon

• lettuce

• cabbage

• celery


When you are thirsty. Drink water.

When you are hungry. Drink water.

When you are hot. Drink water.

If you are tired. Drink water. 

Drink water.